Happy October! ..I can’t even believe it’s already October, where the heck did September go?
Although I enjoyed my summer, it flew by so fast. At least Calgary had nice weather this year (no seriously, last year it was all #hailandfunnelclouds all.summer.long) So it was a nice change up. Anyways!
I am so excited to introduce to you, my Five-Part Women’s Health Series!
Being in the industry that I am and chatting with the ladies who come into the health store, I realize more and more how much women want and need to be educated about their hormones. I don’t shy away from any of these following topics because I think they are extremely important to know about. Some women can get a bit uncomfortable chatting about it but guess what? You shouldn’t! It’s your body and it’s so important to be aware of how everything in it works together. Especially for females and their hormones. SO, if you are the type to get uncomfortable with women’s body talk – this is your advanced warning 🙂
I will be covering everything from PMS to sex hormones, stress to menopause, and everything in between. I will spend a generous amount of time on each part because I want to include as much as I can without overwhelming you. Because there is SO MUCH to know, I will be breaking it down into 5 parts! Here is what you can look forward to learning about…
- Part 1: First part is alllll about our best friend, PMS. I will be covering why we get PMS, why we actually shouldn’t get it and ways to manage it. I will also be getting to the root cause of PMS and going over each monthly phase in detail. I’ll (hopefully) be posting some recipes for each phase too. I am also excited to test out some hormone balancing PMS elixirs for you ladies as well 🙂 In part 1, I will also be writing a few posts on birth control (types, pros, cons, ect) xenoestrogens and adult acne (this was a request from a few people so i’m excited to tackle it!).
- Part 2: I’ll be getting into the fun stuff in part 2 which is … *drumroll pls*… female sex hormones!! This is probably one of my favorite topics and I am so excited to blog about it. You can expect posts about why it’s important to understand your sex hormones (because these hormones, let’s face it, mean so much more than just “sex hormones”). I’ll be talking about ways to ‘get-that-mojo-back’, different online resources you can go on and learn more about this (not porn, I promise ha-ha) and various herbs that can help with this. I will also go over a bit of ‘vagine health’ and why that’s important as well. Should I just call it a vagina? Should I use a fun word instead? I never know with this one.. so I will keep it as vagine. (maybe even gold vagine because you know, they do amazing things #childbirth).
- Part 3: Ahh stress/ adrenal fatigue… it’s a safe bet that we all suffer from some level of this amiright? Getting that ‘burnout’ feeling, being constantly fatigued and changes in your mood can all be associated with adrenal fatigue. This part will be covering all things stress-related and much more. I will be posting recipes, elixirs, and my top herbs, supplements, and foods to nourish your adrenals.
- Part 4: For this part of the series, I wanted to go over a topic that I actually love talking about and know quite a bit about but don’t have experience with = post pregnancy hormone imbalance. I know, I know, “why should I read posts about post-pregnancy from a woman who has never had babies?” is probably what you’re saying in your head right now but hang tight – I promise I will have some useful information for you! I learned a lot about this in nutrition school and although I have never had babies, I do think my knowledge on it might be able to help some mommas out there 🙂 I will cover estrogen dominance and common symptoms including: dry skin, hair loss, depression, cyclical migraines, and anxiety. I will try to include as many healing drinks and meals as I can but there are quite a few things you have to avoid if you are breastfeeding. I will also be including guest blog posts from inspiring & savvy mommas out there who have amazing tips on post-pregnancy topics (meal prepping, utilizing time when babies are napping, ect).
- Part 5: For the final part of my women’s health series, I will be covering how hormones effect weight gain/ weight loss, why blood sugar balancing is key and why every diet works differently for every person. I will briefly go over the current fad diets (pros, cons, ect) and why you need to listen to YOUR body and its needs. I will be discussing my top “no-no” ingredients (MSG, aspartame, ect) and I will also be covering the importance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, ect.
For each part, expect diet information and tips as well as herbal recommendations. Although I won’t be able to cover absolutely everything, you can think of this as your basic guide to understanding how our beautiful bodies work and how everything works together and why it’s important to have balance from within.
Enjoying a cup of nourishing tea is highly recommended for any time of your day 🙂
You will also see regular blog posts from me as well (non hormone related) so keep an eye out for those too.
I am so excited for you to see the posts I have coming up – I hope they can help and inspire you in some way <3
Marcy xo